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Investment in Real Estate: Risks and Rewards

by Sam

Real estate investment is like a game of changing life as it is said to be a very profitable cum risky deal. Investment in Real estate has always been seen as an attractive thing, especially for those who want to build a good wealth. There are various benefits the real-estate sector provides like stable cash flow, property knowledge, connectivity to contractors and big players in the market. However, there are several types of risks associated with this real-estate business that every real-estate investor should be aware of. You can purchase any type of property in your area. Like: if you have borrowed a business loan in Mumbai, you can invest in real estate.

Many investors gain lots of profit from the game of investment and real-estate dealing, while some fail to get good ROI even when they face a loss of money which increases their mental and financial stress. There are several types of risks associated with this business like market variations, property issues, legislative changes and of course tenant problems. 

In this blog, we will discuss various types of risks and rewards this sector gives to investors. 

Risks in Real Estate 

Every investor must be aware of several sorts of risks linked to this business. That’s why, real-estate is known as a bad business because many face job loss or money loss issues. 

General Market Risks 

The economic condition in this sector faces a lot of fluctuations that affect the values of the available property and rental income. The rates vary from one market to another and recessions and low investment ratio makes this sector the worst for investment. These things impact a lot in the housing market. In times of economic downturn, values drop very rapidly which becomes a challenge for the investors. They face job loss issues with minimized consumer footfall in the business. 

Risk of Area or Location 

The regional factor in the real estate sector affects the lot to the investors. Location directly affects the value and desirability of the asset or property which hesitates consumers or investors to use their money in this sector. There are various other factors which become major issues in this field: crime rate, online fraud, schools, quality of colonies or flats, bad construction, access to good transportation, hospitals, or unavailability of social amenities in the particular area. 

Various Types of Legislative Risks 

The laws and regulations related to property and real estate selling and purchasing change from time to time which affects the market of real estate as a whole. So, investors hesitate to spend their money in this sector. You can manage your legislative risks by borrowing personal or business loans. For instance: business loans in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata etc. 

Risk of Property 

There are various risks of the real estate related to property. The physical condition of the property is a major issue these days. They are constructed with hidden defects which need extensive repair and renovations. There are many cases where roofs, plumbing, electrical systems, and home foundation issues have been tracked. These things cost a lot and thus investors don’t want to take risks. 

Rewards of Investing in Real Estate 

There are various rewards related to real estate. Some of them are provided below:

The potential of rental income 

One of the major benefits of investing in the real estate sector is to get the opportunity for rental income. Once you have invested in a flat or home, you will get income by taking the property on rent. Here, you can decide your rent and get a monthly income. 

Appreciation for the Property 

Generally, property investment is one of the best investments as it is seen as a good way to get appreciation from society and near and dear ones. The rate of the property won’t decline as it will grow and grow in the time to come. 

Benefits in Tax

The investors of real estate can easily get the benefits of tax just like the uniqueness of asset class. Some aspects to consider here like deductions related to mortgage, depreciation of property, ability to defer capital gains, and other sorts of exchanges. 

Good ROI

You can easily mitigate your risks of investments by purchasing your desired property. The price or value of your property will increase in the time to come which will give you good ROI when you resell it to someone. In this way, investing in real estate is a good idea. 


Real estate investment provides various types of advantages and risks. The risks are location, market risk, legislative risks, etc. On the other hand, ib=nvesting in real estate will provide tons of advantages like better ROI, good value for money, appreciation for buying property, 

Rent on your property. 

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